Jill Martinson

Jill Martinson

4-H Youth Development Agent

(785) 263-2001

4-H Youth Development

4-H is a nationwide program led by state land-grant universities in cooperation with local county/district extension councils. In Kansas, 4-H is the largest youth educational program, aside from public schools. Each of the four H's on the clover represent ways youth can grow and develop in 4-H. These "H"s are the following:

  • H ead, critical thinking, problem solving;
  • H eart, self-discipline, integrity, communication;
  • H ands, serving others; and
  • H ealth, choosing healthy lifestyles.

Visit other pages on the Chisholm Trail Disrict 4-H website to learn more about program offerings, activities and opportunities available to you.

Interested in Joining 4-H?

Dickinson County Club Information

Marion County Club Information